Mortgates - Financial Services WordPress Elementor Theme
og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

August 26, 2024:
- Minor bugs fixed.
Mortgates (February 28, 2024):
- WordPress 6.4 compatible;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.19 compatible;
- Minor bugs fixed.
Mortgates (August 25, 2023):
- WordPress 6.3 compatible;
- Elementor Page Builder 3.15 compatible;
- Minor bugs fixed.
6 Reviews for this product
Bought this template and it's great ready to go content and fully integrated to wordpress.
I found this website during my reserach on internt after days of seraching and comparing the website was so easy , helpful and friendly user more than any website else i tried , i found a lots of subjects according to what your busines or activiry you are looking for in every feild you can find the related templte which realy match your need and wants and in the same cover some points you didnt pay any attention for , also the price is so reasonable comparing with the facility you are getting , realy recommend this website to be you only solution since no need to sreach more any where else what all you need you find a lot of it with amazing designs and professional way and stylish pags , dont histate just long pay and enjoy this amazing serivce , one more thing i faced on IT issue they solved within minutes which i believe cant be offered some where else , realy they are professional, go with them with out thinking .
Excelente plantilla. muy completa. la recomiendo. tienes mas de lo que uno espera de una plantilla y el soporte es excelente tambien.
Purchased Mortgates for my personal team inside a mortgage company. Although the features are quite professionally done, I found it somewhat difficult to make it look flush and well finished. I would recommend that if you are planning to completely design the website yourself that you have some familiarity with the ins and outs of wordpress. With using the elementor design app, sometimes the formatting while using the app does not result on what actually displays when you review changes. Otherwise, it is quite feature rich and easy to pick up.
Очень мощный шаблон, просто максимум настроек, благодаря визуальному редактору Elementor, можно сделать любой сайт, на любую тематику. Самое важное разобраться в функционале визуального редактора, каждую страницу можно формировать различным дизайном и разным расположением блоков. Elementor по сути даёт неограниченные возможности для фантазии и креатива, единственный минус в том, что визуальный редактор не даёт возможности редактировать блоки массово, то есть на каждой странице будет только то, что на ней вы сделали и блок который надо изменить массово на всём сайте, придётся править отдельно на каждой странице. Ну а в общем шаблон советую, годный.
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